Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 24 February 1715 -- AndijkBirth -- Andijk
4 and 5Birth 21 August 1689 -- Andijk
2 Father
6 and 7 Marriage 25 January 1688 -- AndijkBirth 2 April 1690 25 21 -- Andijk
Death 2 February 1716 (Age 25) -- in Andijk, begraven in de kerk.
3 Mother
12 and 13Birth 1665 -- Andijk
Death 17 October 1741 (Age 76) -- Andijk
6 Grandfather
14 and 15 Civil Marriage 17 January 1666 -- WervershoofBirth December 1668 29 28 -- Andijk
Death 19 June 1740 (Age 71) -- Andijk
7 Grandmother
- Christening 20 March 1639 -- Wervershoof
Burial 1 October 1703 (Age 64) -- Andijk
14 Great-grandfather - Birth 18 May 1640 27 20 -- Wervershoof
Death 8 October 1718 (Age 78) -- Andijk
15 Great-grandmother