Hindrik Daniels Kotter + Reina Everts Hoveling

Children  ‎(1 child)‎
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Hindrikje Kotter ‎(I2039)‎
Birth 24 October 1843 36 36 -- Zuidwending, Veendam
Death 13 May 1926 ‎(Age 82)‎ -- Ter Apel

Parents Grandparents
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Hindrik Daniels Kotter ‎(I2178)‎
Birth 8 September 1807 -- Veendam
Death 27 November 1877 ‎(Age 70)‎ -- Zuidwending, Veendam, Groningen

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Reina Everts Hoveling ‎(I2179)‎
Birth 9 December 1806 -- Veendam
Death 17 December 1883 ‎(Age 77)‎ -- Zuidwending, Veendam, Groningen

Family Group Information   (F38703)
Marriage 21 November 1839 Veendam, Groningen

Last Change 9 September 2017