Pieterman Sijmons Groot 1752-1808 Geertje Sijmons Groot 1754-1792 Nanne Simonsz Groot 1756-1818 Crelis Sijmons Groot 1759-1780 Nn Sijmons Groot 1760-1760
Simon Willemsz. hertrouwt Andijk 09-01-1752: Aafje Pieters' Man, geb. plm. 1731, overl. in de kraam, begr. Andijk 13-11-1760 in no. 83. "benevens het ongedoopte kraamkint", d.v. Pieter Pietersz. Man en Griet Volkers' Prins. Kinderen gedoopt te Andijk: e. Pieterman, gedoopt 10-12-1752, volgt IV, 8. f. Geertje, gedoopt 10-11-1754, tr. 1774 Teunis Jacobsz. Mooy. g. Nanne, gedoopt 12-09-1756, volgt IV, 9. h. Crelis, gedoopt 04-06-1759, begr. 16-03-1780 (21) in no. 83. i. "kraamkint" 1760, begr. 13-11-1760 met de moeder.
Zij is getrouwd met Sijmen Willemsz Posthumius, vanaf 1764 Groot.
Note: Overleden in de kraam en met haar ongedoopte kint begraven in grafnr. 83.
Groote Sijmon's 2nd wife. Died in childbirth. She is listed with Symen Willemsz Groot on the membership list of the Buurtjeskerk in Andijk on May 2 1760, 6 months before her death.
Traditionally Aafje's parents have been listed as Pieter Pietersz Man and Grietje Volkerts Prins. That didn't make sense since Pieter died only 2 months after he and Grietje married. That left a very small time window that Aafje could be born, and her baptism wasn't in Andijk. However, her baptism was finally found in Grootebroek, her parents living in Bovenkarspel, 14 days before her father died - November 26 1730, This would mean Grietje was over 7 months pregnant at their wedding! No wonder they went elsewhere to have Aafjen baptized!
And interestingly enough, there was an Aaf Pieters being baptized by Pieter Volkerts Prins and Aal Pieters Tent on exactly the same day in Andijk! Talk about confusing. Three things confirm our Aafje's parents between these two: Aafje Prins died age 11 and Aafje Man had a son named Pieterman - a name that would only have been passed on by Pieter Man or one of his brothers. And, of course, Aafje is actually mentioned in Pieter Man's will - although it neglects to mention that she was only a few months old!
Six days after getting married, Aafje wrote up a testament dated Jan 15 1752. She was sick and seems to have thought she was on her deathbed. She willed to her half sister Aaltje Dirks Best all her clothes and gold and silver jewelry. To her mother Griet Volkerts Prins she willed land of 800 roeden by the Molendijk on the sea dike named de Gaat and 57 guilders. Her husband would get the rest. If she lived and they had children, this testament would be null and void. It was indeed voided since she had 4 children over the next 8 years.
After Aafje died, her erfbewijs was read on April 2 1763. Included were her husband Sijmon, her children Pieter, Nannes, Cornelis and Geertje and their guardians Pieter Dirksz Moer and Volkert Dirksz Best. At age 22 each child would receive 1150 guilders as well as her linen and woolen clothes.